Simon Schwaiger, MSc

I am a Lecturer/Researcher at University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien and Doctoral Student at Graz University of Technology, working on machine learning and modern control approaches in robotics as well as personal projects.

Portfolio & Proficiency

Since I am currently rebuilding the website, this section is still under construction.

The rest of the page is coming soon!

Personal Projects

ROS Machine Learning Container

Docker-based ROS development environment combining scientific computing frameworks such as PyTorch and Scikit-Learn with ROS (Noetic or Humble) utilising various graphics hardware acceleration techniques. This workspace has been utilised for my master thesis, serves as the basis of my homelab's machine learning instances and is used as the development environment for tinysim.


Automatically deployed, self-hosted services including machine learning instances and cloud storage using Docker, Ansible and Nextcloud. The machine learning instances are based on my ROS Machine Learning Container.


A lightweight time-discrete mobile robot simulator for ROS 2. It can reconstruct simulation scenes from recorded sensor data (3D or 2D maps) and simulate various sensors utilisting Open3D. There is still work to be done w.r.t. making the code structure more maintainable. After implementing these changes, the simulator will be made open source.

Simulator Demo

Professional Work

AI Anwenden und Verstehen (in German)

Research project that aims to explain both fundamental as well as state of the art concepts from the domain of artifical intelligence to small and medium-sized businesses. Apart from presenting fundamental theory surrounding AI, our website also presents blog posts about practical AI use cases as well as a list of institutions in Austria working on AI.